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philosophy of history artinya

contoh kalimat "philosophy of history"
  • Sometimes critical philosophy of history is included under historiography.
    Terkadang filsafat kritis sejarah termasuk dalam historiografi.
  • It was present in the Enlightenment's philosophies of history.
    Ini hadir dalam filsafat sejarah Abad Pencerahan.
  • Ibn Khaldun was an influential thinker in philosophy of history.
    Ibn Khaldun adalah seorang pemikir berpengaruh dalam filsafat sejarah.
  • An Introduction to the Philosophy of History by Paul Newall, aimed at beginners.
    An Introduction to the Philosophy of History karya Paul Newall, ditujukan bagi pemula.
  • Philosophy of history is a branch of philosophy concerning the eventual significance, if any, of human history.
    Filsafat spekulatif sejarah adalah bidang filsafat tentang signifikansi hasil, jika ada, dari sejarah manusia.
  • Certain aspects of the philosophy of war overlap with the philosophy of history, political philosophy, international relations and the philosophy of law.
    Beberapa aspek filsafat perang dapat bertumpang tindih dengan filsafat sejarah, filsafat politik dan filsafat hukum.
  • Though there is some overlap between the two aspects, they can usually be distinguished; modern professional historians tend to be skeptical about speculative philosophy of history.
    Meski terdapat beberapa tumpang tindih, keduanya biasanya dapat dibedakan; sejarawan profesional modern cenderung skeptis mengenai filsafat spekulatif sejarah.
  • Philosophy of history should not be confused with the history of philosophy, which is the study of the development of philosophical ideas in their historical context.
    Filsafat sejarah jangan sampai tertukar dengan sejarah filsafat, yang merupakan kajian mengenai perkembangan gagasan filsafat dalam konteks sejarahnya.
  • He inaugurated the modern field of the philosophy of history, and, although the term philosophy of history is not in his writings, Vico spoke of a “history of philosophy narrated philosophically."
    Meski istilah filsafat sejarah tidak tercantum dalam tulisan-tulisannya, Vico juga membahas "sejarah filsafat yang diceritakan secara filosofis."
  • He inaugurated the modern field of the philosophy of history, and, although the term philosophy of history is not in his writings, Vico spoke of a “history of philosophy narrated philosophically."
    Meski istilah filsafat sejarah tidak tercantum dalam tulisan-tulisannya, Vico juga membahas "sejarah filsafat yang diceritakan secara filosofis."
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